Vote for the best verboticism.

'Wow! She never looked that good when I was dating her...'

DEFINITION: n., A syndrome afflicting the recently separated in which the "ex" (i.e. ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, ex-husband, or even an ex-mother-in-law) appears to be more attractive than ever before. v., To be attracted to your "ex".

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Created by: justinchau

Pronunciation: Ex-gog-gools

Sentence: After empirically proving the +10% in attraction perception due to presence of beer, scientists have also recently proven the presence of an Ex results in a +50% attraction phenomenon dubbed 'exgoggles'. Many a broken-up couple have reunited to each other's dismay due to a combination of both exgoggles and beer goggles. Scientists are now trying to prove the phenomenon of 'beerphones'.

Etymology: Ex+Beergoggles.

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Created by: morikvendi

Pronunciation: eks-attract-ism

Sentence: George suffered from classical example of exattractism when he saw his ex-girlfriend with another guy, shining like she never shone before.

Etymology: ex - past, attractiveness

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Created by: staggolee

Pronunciation: LOO-zerz-ex-FA-byoo-luh

Sentence: I saw John's ex-girlfriend, and she was losersexfabula!

Etymology: Modern American English metrosexual.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: pee-na-ko-LUV-a

Sentence: Bob knew that his romance with Roxie was on the rocks, but when they met, by hap, at a bar called O'Malleys it was re-instantaneous pinacoluva. On seeing that it was Roxie, bliss-bombed Bob yelled: " you're the love that I looked for, come with me and escape."

Etymology: From "Pinacolado" & "luv." Based on Rupert Holmes' hit, "Escape" (The Pina Colado Song) about a man unhappy with his current relationship agrees to meet a woman at a bar only to find that she is his current lover and that they have still have so much in c


another great sentence - porsche, 2007-09-18: 13:19:00

ditto - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-18: 13:20:00

A vote, and a thank you for bumping "Precious and Few" out of my head. - purpleartichokes, 2007-09-18: 14:06:00


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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Ex-mag-ne-tray-ted

Sentence: Since dumping Clare for a younger model last year, Charles couldn't understand why he felt so exmagnetraited toward her everytime he saw her out with her new toyboy. In fact he was so drawn to her again that he was thinking of going under the knife in the vain hope of winning her back.

Etymology: Ex(Former spouse/partner) + magnet(a person or thing that has a powerful atttraction) + trait(a distinguishing characteristic) = Exmagnetraited

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Created by: orrychimaru




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Created by: joelb

Pronunciation: reh-tro-TRAK-tiv

Sentence: She looked quite retrotractive as my regret sank in.

Etymology: retroactive + attractive

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Created by: SethelMerman

Pronunciation: A-Mor-for-ment

Sentence: Steve realized his amourforment at the exact moment Raquel's lips met Raul's.

Etymology: Amour: love + former: in the past + -ent: suffix.

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: sex/as/pur/a/shun

Sentence: According to the grass is even greener theory, sexaspiration occurs when the thought of someone else being interested in your ex rekindles your desire.

Etymology: sex + ex + aspiration (desire) (not to be confused with exasperation, which you may be feeling right now if you’re reading this)


There's also sexpiration...when you'll just die if you can't have them back! - Nosila, 2008-08-19: 18:02:00

Clever construction. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-20: 05:42:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: dek reed ny see

Sentence: When Gerald went to the Social Mixer, he was stunned to run into Velma after all this time. When they had been married, she had been a housewife, with no fashion flair or poise. In fact the beautiful bride he had met in high school and married ended up being a boring, one dimensional frumpy woman. That was when he had a mad affair with his secretary, Lola. When Velma found out, she moved out and sued him for divorce...he was stunned and it cost him a bundle for his indiscretion. Now here she was, slim, attractive, well dressed and practically oozing sex appeal. In fact, he decreednicey! when he saw her. He also could not fail to notice the hunky guy she was with, who was drooling over her and with whom she was clearly smitten. With more red wine in him than actual courage, Gerald went up to them and told her she looked great. She thanked him for opening her eyes and giving her the money to move on and get a better, more glamourous life. At that point the song blaring over the system was Cher singing, "If I could turn back Time..."

Etymology: Decree nisi( a decree issued on a first petition for divorce; becomes absolute at some later date) & Decreed (decided with authority) & Nice (pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-09-18: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Scrumpy. Thank you Scrumpy! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-01-26: 00:16:00
Today's definition was suggested by Scrumpy. Thank you Scrumpy. ~ James

jermainechambers44 - 2010-01-26: 16:02:00