Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., A semi-conscious state experienced by early morning commuters on a subway, bus or car. v., To mentally transport oneself in the opposite direction of which you are traveling.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: joelb
Pronunciation: TRAN-sit
Sentence: It was a wonder that I headed i the right direction during this morning's trancit.
Etymology: trance + transit
Dadnugget! You beat me to this word. Gotta get up earlier or stay up later. - ErWenn, 2007-09-25: 09:43:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: tripp tripp ing
Sentence: He triptripped happily all the way home from the dentist He wondered if it was anything to do with the trancy dental medication.
Etymology: trip as in journey, trip as in wow.
trancy dental medication...uncrowned genius! - Nosila, 2011-06-07: 22:48:00
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Hip-no-trip
Sentence: Having to commute to work everyday, Sam would often drift into a hypnotrip and dream he was going home to pick up his suitcase to take with him on his luxury holiay in barbados.
Etymology: Hypno(hypnotic-Sleep inducing) + Trip( a journey or excursion) = Hypnotrip
Good one - Mustang, 2008-08-26: 23:59:00
YEAH! I LOVE HYPNOTRIP...wish i'd thought of it. Very snappy sound! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-27: 01:15:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: coh-mah-myoot
Sentence: comamuting to work was both relaxing and nerve-racking at the same time.
Etymology: coma, commute
Bah! This was the _second_ word I came up with this morning, after "trancit", which joelb beat me to. - ErWenn, 2007-09-25: 09:44:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: tran sit dent all ism
Sentence: When Jackie had to do his one hour bus commute each way to his work, he was able to zone out and use transitdentalism to lift his mind to a nicer place and time. He was proud of his illogistical skills which shortened his gruelling travel time.
Etymology: Transit (make a passage or journey from one place to another) & Transcedentalism (any system of philosophy emphasizing the intuitive and spiritual above the empirical and material)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: am - pared
Sentence: Christine felt totally ampaired this morning. She got on the train, sleepwalked to her seat and fell back asleep.
Etymology: am (A.M.) abbreviation for morning + impaired (not operating in a normal manner).
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: DREAM-mute
Sentence: David's dreammute in the morning consisted of him traveling on a rocket ship across Technicolor landscapes while his boss was walked like a dog on a leash.
Etymology: Dream + (com)mute
Created by: tiffanybiggs420
Pronunciation: [bak][mahynd]
Sentence: I used to always backmind home on the way to school because I hated it so much.
Etymology: my brain, 4:20
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: trav + uhl + oh + gee
Sentence: I was so travelogy this morning that I almost missed seeing the 12-foot-tall clown in the Western/Vermont station... er... I think the clown was there.
Etymology: travel + logy
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: TRAV-er-ree
Sentence: The moon was still visible as Bob rideranged, in a transfixed traverie, on the 5.55am express to Melbourne. In his semi-consciousness, he thought that he was an astronaut aboard Apollo 13, exclaiming loudly: "OK, Houston, we've had a problem here " to the amusement of his fellow travellers.
Etymology: Traverie n. Blend of travel & reverie(daydream) Riderange: v. int. Blend of rider & derange (disordered, throw out of order) Pron: ry-DEE-range
very good - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-25: 11:19:00
Verbotomy - 2007-09-25: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176! ~ James
rikboyee - 2007-09-25: 00:52:00
this is very similar to the car driving one...all the same words tranceport and tripnosis
Verbotomy - 2007-09-25: 08:38:00
Yes it's similar, but I think it would be safer to be lost in a traverie while riding on the bus, than to undergo a complete tripnosis while driving a car on/off the highway. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-01-28: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176 . Thank you MrDave2176 . ~ James
DrWebsterIII - 2012-10-26: 15:07:00