Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A person who succeeds not because of their talents, but because they just won't quit. v. To firmly believe in your talents and never give up on your goals, despite the huge obstacles, snide comments, and repeated setbacks.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: ob/sess/stuh/nit
Sentence: Karen's obsesstinate personality drove her supervisors and managers crazy and so she was promoted quickly up the company infrastructure to get rid of her, not because of her business sense, or corporate abilities.
Etymology: some one who is totally obsessed with being obstinate - obsess + obstinate (tenaciously unwilling to yield)
Good one. - Mustang, 2008-05-01: 22:06:00
Created by: daniellegeorge
Pronunciation: Re-luk-tay-shus
Sentence: "Dwayne, it's a square peg." "YES! The corners have worn off! It fits now, in this round hole!"
Etymology: reluctant and tenacious
nice blend - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-01: 11:53:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: per-sis-trance
Sentence: Norma's persistrance helped her win Employee of the Year at work. Unfortunately, she was so focused on her job that she failed to notice that Robert had moved out 2 months ago.
Etymology: persistance: tenacity, strength, purpose + trance: detatchment from one's physical surroundings
Created by: jakebrain69
Pronunciation: non kwitt idi tty
Sentence: " her bullish nonquitidity to accept the general acceptance was inspirational"
Etymology: determined, firm, unceasing.
Lovely word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-02: 05:39:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: sisss eeee fuhsss
Sentence: Mary was the complete Sissyfuss, who else would have tried to get one of the Rolling Stones to settle down on Beverly Hills?
Etymology: sissy fuss, Sisiphus
Created by: DrWebsterIII
Pronunciation: bland' fidens
Sentence: It was Stephanie's blondfidence that allowed her to achieve everything, not her genius.
Etymology: blonde + confidence = blondfidence blond (slang. simple minded, foolish confidence (conviction, faith, belief)
Hey! I represent that! - mrskellyscl, 2009-06-11: 07:24:00
I'm a hair stylist & Legally Blonde is one of my favorites - DrWebsterIII, 2009-06-11: 08:48:00
Fierce! - hyperborean, 2009-06-11: 10:52:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: kwik soh th ik
Sentence: His quixothick opposition to wind energy despite widespread support and government support led many of his peers to think him a bit of a donquix.
Etymology: Quixotic, thick
how gallant - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-01: 11:52:00
Cheeky Monquix...cute word - Nosila, 2008-05-01: 21:24:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: deh-ter-muhn-I-uh-kyl
Sentence: Melody was absolutely determaniacal in pursuit of her singing career, ignoring criticism and negative critiques of her somewhat limited skills and in time managed to secure a job as a backup singer for a budding young artist in the pop music field.
Etymology: blend of determined and maniacal
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: PLUHK-reep
Sentence: Despite the taunts of those educated above their intellect, Bob, with a plethora of pluck, reaped remuneration and recognition. And, in reply to their snide remarks, and to add further to their perplexity, he told them in his pluckreapish patter, "The reward fevers the incentive!"
Etymology: PLUCK: courage or resolution in the face of difficulties; spirit, indomitable resolution, fortitude & REAP: to get as a return, recompense or result.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: hak-lent-lis
Sentence: Sally is now in charge of the department, not because of any outstanding talent or even a clear understanding of what the job entails. Anybody with an ounce of skill or ambition has moved on to bigger and better things long ago. Her plodding, hacklentless approach to her work and mediocre results keeps her so far under the radar of scrutiny that she has no enemies. In fact, most people don't even know who she is after 20 years with the company. Sometimes people walk into her because they just don't notice she is there.
Etymology: Hack (a person, as an artist or writer, who exploits, for money, his or her creative ability or training in the production of dull, unimaginative, and trite work) + relentless (unyieldingly severe, strict, or harsh)
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: SISSY-fit-ite
Sentence: She was as dumb as a bag of old hammers- But got a degree and then conquered her stammer. Entomological studies at night… Brought her success as a SISYFITTITE
Etymology: SISYphus+FIT+hitTITE=SISYFITTITE.....SISYPHUS: Sisyphus was compelled to roll a huge rock up a steep hill, but before he could reach the top of the hill, the rock would always roll back down , forcing him to begin again. The maddening nature of the punishment was reserved for Sisyphus due to his belief that his cleverness surpassed that of Zeus. He later took a correspondance course to better himself, but wound up working in a gas station......FIT: to be seemly or proper for, to be suitable for or to harmonize with; Middle English fitten to marshal troops, from or akin to Middle Dutch vitten to be suitable.....HITTITE: a member of a conquering people in Asia Minor and Syria with an empire in the second millennium b.c. Based upon excavated pottery shards, they seemed to have been preoccupied with insects and cartoon beagles, although this is often disputed.
The Wayback machine originally referred to a fictional machine from an ongoing feature of the cartoon The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show used to transport the characters Mr. Peabody and Sherman back in time. It is also used as the name for part of the Internet Archive's site. - metrohumanx, 2009-06-11: 11:43:00
I love the thorough etymology - DrWebsterIII, 2009-06-11: 14:15:00
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Stik-a-wid-jit
Sentence: Being a stickawidgit Harry would not give up his presentation, he had been working on it for the past 3 weeks and, after changing it many times, he was finally pleased with the result.
Etymology: Stick(adhere to something, to stick to!) + Widgit(with it) = Stickawidgit
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: no/sens/kwit/tur
Sentence: Sally's philosophy was to aspire to be a nosensequitter who would never give up even if it was an unwarranted conclusion.
Etymology: no sense + quit + non sequitur (illogical conclusion)
brilliant! - galwaywegian, 2008-05-01: 06:58:00
Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-02: 05:28:00
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Stik-twit
Sentence: Malcolm was a complete sticktwit, no matter what went wrong he would stick at it until he got it right, even if it took months.
Etymology: Stick(adhere to) + Twit(foolish) = Sticktwit. See also stick to it
good one, welcome back, TJayzz! - Nosila, 2009-06-11: 10:57:00
funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-06-11: 15:47:00
enjoyed this one..... - mweinmann, 2009-06-12: 07:47:00
Hello all, great to be back. Thank-you for good comments. - TJayzz, 2009-06-12: 15:27:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: poor sev eer ans
Sentence: When jockey/owner Cher Bett entered her horse, Mane Chance, in the biggest cup competition of the racing season, she had to overcome a lot of obstacles. Being a woman owner/jockey was a major issue in the male dominated sport. Getting backers, paying trainers, vets and stable staff were major financial considerations for the not-rich Cher. But after all her purseverance, she not only ran in the race, but won it at 20-to-1 odds. She won so much, she can afford to hire jockeys now and has become a legend in race circles!
Etymology: Purse (a sum of money offered as a prize) & Perseverance (persistance; tenacity)
Created by: Rutilus
Pronunciation: bull-ee-bus-ter
Sentence: Clarissa was determined to succeed despite the venom of her odious colleague. She had bullybustered her way through her career and she wasn't in any mood to stop now.
Etymology: Bully - to force one's will by force and/or intimidation; Buster - one that breaks up something
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ham bish shun
Sentence: Liza was determined to be a great actress. She starred in school productions through high school and somehow made it into acting school. Her hambition was to get into a long-running soap, but she was rejected because her acting skills were too over the top. She finally got a bit part in a movie, "Joe's Apartment", but only because she was the only actor who allowed them to put a cockroach on her nose...
Etymology: Ham (unskilled actor who overacts) & Ambition (strong drive for success)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: suk - sess
Sentence: George was a huge suckcess. He was not good with people, pushy, offensive and many times did not get his facts straight. Because he was out in the used car lot six days a week, twelve hours a day, rain or shine; the sheer number of people he dealt with helped assure him of the number one spot for car sales each month.
Etymology: suck (inadequate or objectionable), success
ex'sell'ant ! all around - DrWebsterIII, 2009-06-11: 08:51:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: pərsistalənts
Sentence: Some people have a talent for singing, some can play a musical instrument. Joyce has none of these. What she does have is persistalents. Once she sets her mind to do something, it would take an act of Congress to change her course. Nobody is surprised that her pet-of-choice is a pit bull.
Etymology: persistence (firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition) + talents (natural aptitude or skills) sounds a bit like pestilence.
nice - Jabberwocky, 2009-06-11: 15:47:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: hot dog ed ness
Sentence: Werner Wiener was known for his hotdoggedness. When the agency scouts came to a town near him looking for fresh new talent, he relished becoming their new Top Hot Dog. He mustard been born with a determined streak, for although he was small when born, like a cocktail weenie, everyone knew he'd soon ketchup and be as big a Wiener as his Dad, Frank. Werner knew he would have to rely on his hotdoggedness to win, because he was not as handsome or suave as some of the other wieners, although he was told that he had nice buns. He competed against a kobhasa named Garlic Ring, the Ukrainian Hamlet; a British banger named Todd Inthehole; a Brat (one of the wurst Germans he'd met) named Knock Wurst; a pair of sweet Italians, named Sal Ami and Pep Peroni (who were always casing the joint) and his wurst nightmare, a Spanish conquistador named Pepe Chorizo(they thought he was a Chile Dog), whom all the women loved. Although Werner sizzled in the talent portion singing "MacArthur Pork", minced around on stage and finally was named Sausage Idol, many thought it was because of his links to the Bologna crime family. Few knew it was because he had had a sausage roll in the hay with one of the judges, Hamela Anderson. But don't worry, he wore a condiment!
Etymology: hot (very intense,performed or performing with unusually great skill and daring and energy;marked by intensity or vehemence especially of passion or enthusiasm)& hot dog (someone who performs dangerous stunts to attract attention to himself) & dogged ( stubbornly unyielding, persistent)
Funneeee!!! - TJayzz, 2008-05-01: 11:16:00
Shazzaayammm! - Mustang, 2008-05-01: 08:10:00
That is an INCREDIBLY long and drawn out and extensive sentence! And now, thanks to you, I hunger for tube meat. Gee thanks. - daniellegeorge, 2008-05-01: 09:40:00
brilliantly done, as usual. - stache, 2008-05-01: 13:51:00
Good word; good sentence. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-02: 05:30:00
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: eye/think/eye/can/di/date
Sentence: An IthinkIcandidate must follow the teachings of the little engine that could.
Etymology: I think I can + candidate
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: dog-kar-mat-ick
Sentence: Helen is a dedicated dogkarmatic, convinced that if she holds on to and practices the principles of hard work that in the end she will be greatly rewarded for her persistence and hard work, though some of her friends are convinced that her karma will eventually run over her dogma.
Etymology: Blend of 'dogma' (something held as an established opinion; especially : a definite authoritative tenet) and 'karma' ( the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence)
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /di-tur-mind-ney-ter/
Sentence: As a new employee at Cyberdyne Inc., Sarah was one of those rare people who was undeterred by setbacks, or her lack of experience, and always maintained a positive outlook. Like a true determinedator, she never gave up. She was confident that someday one of the executive's desks would have her name on it, "Ms. S. Connors". Things were about to change for her — she could feel it.
Etymology: Determined - resolute; staunch; strongly motivated to succeed (from Latin, détermināre "without limits") + Terminator - a nearly indestructible robot, which will stop at nothing in order to accomplish it's mission (from the Terminator movies)
when I first saw your word I read it as determined dater and thought you would take that route - the terminator connection is good as well - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-01: 14:36:00
Hasta La Vista, Baby...good word - Nosila, 2008-05-01: 21:21:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: dee ter min ay shun ist
Sentence: Many of the contenders on the reality talent shows are not so much talented as determinationist in their thirst for fame and glory. Yes, their resolve, giving up work and school for their 5 minutes of fame on the tube, proves they each are a determinashionist...that and the fact that all their friends call in 100 votes each from their handful of cellphones is what wins these contests!
Etymology: Determination (the quality of being determined to do or achieve something;an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions) & ist (suffix for a person who follows a belief or ideal)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: dee - TER - muh - nut
Sentence: Ignoring the chiding and other insults about her pursuit of a singing career Marjorie had become absolute determinut and was not about to let anything keep her from reaching her goals.
Etymology: blend of determined and nut
nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-01: 11:46:00
good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-02: 05:38:00
Created by: verbherder
Pronunciation: lit-l-en-jahy-nuh
Sentence: The blue-haired woman ringing up Slurpees for the past 38 years at the Gas 'N Sip turned out to be a littlengina. Some publisher bought the novel she was always jawing about, and now it's a best seller in several regions of Portugal.
Etymology: The little engine that could
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: talətənāshəs
Sentence: It’s not that Jim is the best or brightest in his field. His skill is being tanentenacious. The fact that he can’t carry a tune with a flat-bed truck doesn\'t stop him from becoming a country/western singing sensation. His rugged good looks, back-up singers and technology by the truckload has gotten him far. There was that little setback last week when somebody called ASPCA to report an animal being tortured when Jim was singing in the shower, but he’ll get past that.
Etymology: talent (natural aptitude or skill) + tenacious (not readily letting go of, giving up, or separated from an object that one holds, a position, or a principle)
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: hang+stay
Sentence: She won't quit, she is such a hangstay.
Etymology: hang+stay
nice simple combination. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-02: 05:28:00
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: per-sis-ten-ay-tor
Sentence: In the office, Phyllis was called the persistenator. She worked hard and despite not having quite the flashes of brilliance and withitness as many new hires. However, she always was went about her daily duties. After 3 years waiting for the promotion from mail clerk to record filing, it took her another 4 years to make it to front desk. After spending 10 years at the job, and after much turnover in the office, she was finally promoted to office manager 6 years ago. She hoped to make the jump to mid-level management soon as she just completed a correspondance course in business administration.
Etymology: persistence,the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior + ator, suffix indicating a person that is involved with doing what the root word is about
On a roll! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-02: 05:29:00
Created by: pieceof314
Pronunciation: grīnd-er-mīnd-er
Sentence: Kendra's stick-to-it-ness gave her the reputation of being the workplace grinderminder. No matter what the boss threw at her, she always plodded her way through each task, often learning the ropes as she went along. Sometimes she was able to do it with no problems, other times she had to start over and ask for help. Either way, everyone knew she wouldn't quit.
Etymology: grind, from grindstone + minder, a person who is paying attention to something
that's stupid. :D - daniellegeorge, 2008-05-01: 09:39:00
What? Why would you say that? - pieceof314, 2008-05-01: 13:54:00
Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-02: 05:27:00
Thanks, Ozziebob! - pieceof314, 2008-05-02: 14:50:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: per son veer ents
Sentence: Jane's coach tried to instill in her a sense of personverence. He made her do yoga with a cockroach on her nose. He thought if she overcame her bizarre fear of bugs, she could be a gold medal yogoist. Trouble is, coach never knew it was not an Olympic sport yet and so her goals were beyond her roach. He was obviously just a Roachcoach...if he taught theatrics, he could be a Stagecoach!
Etymology: Person (a human being) & Perseverence (the ability to be persistent, refuse to stop)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: un-SWER-vick-ter
Sentence: The unswervictor's hero was Benjamin Disraeli, who once said "through perseverence many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure".
Etymology: unswerving (persistent) + victor (winner)
Created by: stache
Pronunciation: pûr'sə-vĭk'tər
Sentence: Although Harriet looked to be the sure winner in the early stages of the marathon, Tortence, the plodder, would not give up and became the persevictor.
Etymology: persevere, to persist in anything undertaken [Middle English perseveren, from Old French perseverer, from Latin persevērāre, from persevērus, very serious]; victor, One who defeats an adversary; the winner in a fight, battle, contest, or struggle[Middle English, from Old French victeur, from Latin victor, from victus, past participle of vincere, to conquer].
Nice word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-02: 05:31:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: no/sens/kwit/tur
Sentence: Sally's philosophy was to aspire to be a nosensequitter who would never give up even if it was an unwarranted conclusion.
Etymology: no sense + quit + non sequitur (illogical conclusion)
Cute fatten the Latin! - Nosila, 2009-06-11: 11:00:00
great! - mweinmann, 2009-06-12: 07:47:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: ob/sess/stuh/nit
Sentence: Karen's obsesstinate personality drove her supervisors and managers crazy and so she was promoted quickly up the company infrastructure to get rid of her, not because of her business sense, or corporate abilities.
Etymology: some one who is totally obsessed with being obstinate - obsess (uhb-ses) - to think about something unceasingly, or persistently + obstinate (ob-stuh-nit) - inflexible persistence, or an unyielding attitude
Excellent word! - Mustang, 2009-06-11: 20:50:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: shambishən
Sentence: After years of being passed over for advancement, Harry's time finally came. He was promoted to Division Director. Unfortunately the budget cuts and ensuing layoffs left him as the lone worker. In a case of shambition Harry hadn’t even applied for the position when it was vacated by his former boss.
Etymology: sham (a thing that is not what it is purported to be) + ambition (a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work)
Verbotomy - 2008-05-01: 00:01:00
Today's definition is inspired by Johnny Bunko's Career Lesson # 4: "Persistence trumps talent". See: "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko" by Dan Pink. Thanks Dan! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-06-11: 00:01:00
Today's definition is inspired by Johnny Bunko's Career Lesson # 4: "Persistence trumps talent". See: "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko" by Dan Pink. Thanks Dan! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-07-05: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by johnnybunko. Thank you johnnybunko. ~ James