Vote for the best verboticism.

'You're going to step on my droppings...'

DEFINITION: v. To display your power in social network by picking on the weaker members of the community. n. A person who steps on other people's toes and kicks bunnies.

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Created by: toadstool57

Pronunciation: bul-lE-ses-shun

Sentence: Jill, at 98 lbs., joined a help group for compulsive eaters. She immediatly started with the "fat jokes" and degrading comments focused at the members of the group. Suddenly, the bull session turned into a hostile bullysession, and Jill found herself on the bottom of a pile of 500 lb. people. Dog pile on the rabbit! ( from bugs bunny)

Etymology: bull session/ bully

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: bləndərbôs

Sentence: Harry works for a complete blunderboss. She is so busy proving she is right that she doesn’t have time or interest in people’s feelings or thoughts. As she has stomped her way up the corporate ladder she has picked up the nickname of Thunderfoot.

Etymology: blunderbuss (a short-barreled large-bored gun with a flared muzzle, used at short range/an action or way of doing something regarded as lacking in subtlety and precision) + boss (a person in charge of a worker or organization)

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: Joy-less-frump-er

Sentence: Froncene was a mean old joylessfrumper and when she would get angry, it would make you want to kick her in her rumper!

Etymology: Joyless: Cheerless; dismal,lacking joy. Frumper: (slang for frumpy) A girl or woman regarded as dull, plain, or unfashionable,dowdy,dreary and drab. A person regarded as colorless and primly sedate.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: dred-beet

Sentence: Behind her back, all of Sandra's social circle called her the dreadbeat as they all dreaded the malicious and mean spirited attention she would give them at parties, on Facebook and even thru emails.

Etymology: Bleand of 'dread' (horrible, terrifying) and 'beat' (to sound, as on a drum) - also, a play on the word 'deadbeat'

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: nekstdôrnāboŏlē

Sentence: It can be easy to identify the nextdoorneigbully. Just look for a couple of houses for sale on your street with one in the middle that’s not. If there are more houses for sale up and down that street, you might want to reconsider that under-priced bargain you found.

Etymology: next-door neighbor (a person in or to the next house or room) + bully (a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker)

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Created by: torontorc

Pronunciation: an-tay-cone-ee

Sentence: Antacony is the act of a bully picking on the weakest person.


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: preema/bal/ur/een/a

Sentence: Natasha believed she was destined to become the prima ballerina in the troupe and would relentlessly crush the feet of aspiring dancers with awkward jumps. She became known as the primabullyrina.

Etymology: bully + prima ballerina


Bully for you... - Nosila, 2009-05-21: 23:58:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Ack - ruh - MONE - ee - miss

Sentence: Blanche never misses a chance to point out other people's mistakes or weak points and considers herself to be a bit better than everyone else. But she is regarded in her social circles as an acrimonymiss because of the nasty manner in which she delivers her criticisms.

Etymology: Blend of acrimony and the title 'miss'

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: scape/goat/herd

Sentence: Jim established himself as the official scapegoatherd in the office. He carefully rounded up his victims from the weakest links he could find and took great pleasure in tormenting them.

Etymology: scape goat + goatherd


Song of the day - that goatherd song from Sound of Music. YODELAAAHEEEE! Good word Jabber. - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-02: 09:56:00

Loud was the voice of the lonely scapegoatherd Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-02: 11:45:00

That's "goating" to extremes. Maybe he was the Goatfather! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-02: 20:40:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: tram pil hefs kin

Sentence: In the swinging Sixties, many a cute girl sought fame and fortune by working at the Playboy Clubs as a Playboy Bunny. Some girls thought they'd get more attention if they became a trampleshefskin and clawed and slept their way to the top. Some succeeded, but others found to their dismay that Hef just wanted to find somebunny to love, a different one each night, that is...

Etymology: Tramp (a floozy) & Trample (injure by trampling or as if by stomping on)& Hef's Kin (bunnies, of course) & Wordplay on Rumpelstiltskin (deceptive dwarf of Grimms; fairy tale)

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Created by: CanadianAndyCapp

Pronunciation: Snar-kast-i-grin-ch

Sentence: After failing to impress the other members of the War of 1812 onelist chat group with his badly researched and spurious historical submissions. Colin sought to boost his own ego by attacking the work of others and where that failed, to make the criticisms personal. For this he was rapidly branded as a Snarcastigrinch by the rest of the group.

Etymology: Snarkastic -(Sarcastic)- The lowest form of wit. (Snarky)- Geordie form of bad-tempered. / (Grinch)- see Dr. Seuss.


nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-02: 11:36:00

Clever blend! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-02: 20:42:00


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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Clem-en-em-eh-sis

Sentence: Richard Snodgrass was a passive man. He was bland and meek and wore lots of beige. His clemenemesis was Judy, his secretary, who ran the office with an iron fist and steel capped stilettos. He was ok with that, even though it made him feel weak. It meant people hated her instead of him, and his little rebellions consisted of meekly implying a decision was in fact hers and there was little he could do. Often that was right. He practiced sharp shooting on the weekends and dreamt about being a Pythonesque ferocious killer bunny.

Etymology: Clement - gentle, forgiving, pleasant; Nemesis - one's most villainous enemy. Eminem - popular and has no doubt stepped on some toes to get there; Mennuhmennuh - part of the chorus of the Muppet song, sung best by Animal, who is both an animal and fluffy..

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: mey/tree/arch/en/uh/mee

Sentence: Janice became the matriarchenemy of the book club regulars by verbally attacking the opinions of Dody, the friendliest and most popular member at the neighbourhood library Book of the Month discussion.

Etymology: matriarch + archenemy (antagonist, adversary, attacher)

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: vill - an - net

Sentence: Flossie became a villainet soon after she joined Facebook. One minute she was your friend; the next she was making cruel, nasty comments on your "wall"....weaving a net of wicked social networking.

Etymology: villain (wicked or evil person; someone who does evil deliberately) --> i-net (The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that interchange data by packet switching using the standardized Internet) -- > net (a trap made of netting, or short for internet)

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Created by: youmustvotenato

Pronunciation: Bun-a-terry

Sentence: Dalton, throwin down his empty threats on the latest Mac v. Linux flame war, was a big-bad bunnatieri since his threatees were only grade-schoolers.

Etymology: Bunny- a small domesticated mammal; Vinatieri- former place kicker of the Super Bowl winning New England Patriots

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Created by: Jamagra

Pronunciation: step/or'/i/dee

Sentence: Warren loved to surf to where he could chat about all 54 species of rabbits with other rabid fans. He didn't like to log on, however, if "Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog" was already online. Caerbannog was the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered creature ever to visit a website, and Warren could just imagine Caerbannog's big, pointy teeth! Warren had plans to attend night school and become a veterinarian. After getting his degree, he would finally be able to leave his current job at "Hoppers", the pet store specializing in rabbits and hares. Caerbannog, on more than one occasion, had steporidaed all over Warren's idaes about self-betterment which made Warren furryous. "Some people just don't carrot all," sniffed Warren as he surfed to a different site.

Etymology: step + leporidae (the rabbit "family" in scientific classification)


I hope Warren finds somebunny to love. - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-02: 09:54:00

"Caerbannog was the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered creature ever to visit a website" He might have bunion or myxomatosia - he should seek treatment. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-02: 20:50:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: alpha-mail-ev-a-lent

Sentence: Lex was clearly the alphamalevolent in the group as shown by the way he traumatised sweet little Angela with his bullying.

Etymology: alpha male (one who others defer to) + malevolent (harmful, injurious)


ooh - very nice blend - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-02: 12:56:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: so-sha-bul-ly

Sentence: Janet,the sociabully vilified Mrs. Sweetly at the red hat ladies luncheon so nastily that even Mr. Rodgers would have imagined booting her out of the neighborhood.

Etymology: social:relating to human society and its members + bully: a person habitually cruel and overbearing (wordplay on "sociable")

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Created by: Kennecticut

Pronunciation: Si-kahh-tic unusual behaviour, as well as difficulty with social interaction and impairment of good judgement

Sentence: Sigh,`s chaotic enough without this sighchotic coming to these get togethers and adding even more chaos with his know-it-all mentality.



Very clever. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-02: 20:41:00


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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: kä'mə-rä'də-rāp'tər

Sentence: After Georgette appended gushingly complimentary comments to every one of the submissions on the poetry blog, Flo just couldn't help herself. She was, by her very nature, a camaraderaptor. She posted a stinging limerick, the first line of which was, "A bunny rabbit named Georgette... ."

Etymology: 'camara,' var. of 'kamara,' soviet-era spy technology popular with kgb notable Boris Badinov; 'der,' German article; 'apt,' particularly appropriate, as this definition vis. doseydotes; 'or,' denoting approximately equally-weighted alternatives, as in 'defecate or vacate the porcelain receptacle.'


Still laughing over the last line. Great! - Jamagra, 2008-04-02: 08:41:00

great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-02: 12:55:00

Excellent! - Mustang, 2008-04-02: 18:06:00

Nice! - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-02: 19:03:00

Stache, you are an etymologizing animal! Very funny; good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-02: 20:30:00

thanks, y'all. from giants among verbotomists such as yourselves these kind words mean much. - stache, 2008-04-02: 23:21:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: meys-book

Sentence: I don't want to say that Cynthia is a troll but she has been known to macebook her friends just to see what reaction she can elicit.

Etymology: mace (a nonlethal spray containing purified tear gas and chemical solvents that temporarily incapacitate a person mainly by causing eye and skin irritations) + facebook (a popular social networking service)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: hoss sty list

Sentence: Joy was the nicest hairstylist in town. Her clients loved her manely because she did the best coifs for miles around. Her sweet nature was an extension of the fact she loved her work. She worked with Bobbi Pin, Al Lopecia, Hairy Mullet and Dan Druff, who all loved her too. One day a new stylist joined their team. Her name was Delilah and after a short time, it became evident that she was jealous of Joy and made it her mission to be mean to her, lock, stock and barrel. The highlights of any given day were to shampoo-poo her work, upbraid her in front of clients, tease her mercilessly and cut her no slack. She combed Joy's work for flaws and ratted her out whenever she could. Poor Joy was getting s-tressed from all these brushes with Delilah. She had to find a permanent solution to her dilemma. Nothing she said or did could straighten Delilah out. On a tip from a client, Joy went to the bank and borrowed enough money to buy the salon. She renamed it The Joy of Hair. Delilah's face was colored red (actually auburn, with vermilion tints) when she found out that Joy would be her new head boss. As she streaked out of the salon to flyaway, she cursed Joy and the others(who gave her a finger wave)with that age-old hostylist's curse: "Curl up and dye!" Unfortunately for Delilah, outside, in her haste, she banged into a large mousse. The coroner later ruled her death a barbericide. The moral of this hair-raising story is that evil is at the root of all evil.

Etymology: hostile (characterized by enmity or ill will or impossible to bring into friendly accord) & sty (a place where pigs abound)& stylist (an artist who is a master of a particular style or someone who cuts or beautifies hair)


Great fable!I gues Delilah had hell toupe! - arrrteest, 2008-04-02: 16:28:00

Great sentence Jammy! - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-02: 19:09:00

Sentensational! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-02: 20:32:00


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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: mem-burrrr

Sentence: Hitting the "Create-a-Word" button on Verbotomy, purpleartichokes was "rewarded" with James' pre-programmed response: “Membrrrr” Loading: Checking dictionary for possible matching words... Spelling: Looks like your keyboard got stuck on one letter. Do you want to spell it like that? Existing: As expected, with such random letters Membrrrr does not match any existing dictionary words. Unique: And... (another insult that didn't copy. Care to fill in the blank James?) Purple now suspects that James is not only the host, but also a membrrrr.

Etymology: member, brrrr (an icy reaction to being given the cold shoulder)


Verbotomy Are you suggesting that the our automated tech support and creativity hints are a little icy? ~ James - Verbotomy, 2008-04-02: 07:26:00

suggesting?! heh! Very creative, purple! (May I call you purple?) - Jamagra, 2008-04-02: 07:53:00

I dunno James, why don't you just make the comments more succinct; say something like, "Wow, that's a really, really, crappy word! Care to join another site?", and give a link to Hooked on Phonics. Of course I jest... I love the verbsnottery! And thanks for the sentence! Jamagra, I think Miss Speller may be a better moniker for me. - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-02: 09:44:00

and her's one for you purple 'Try to remembrrrr the kind of Septembrrrr' - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-02: 12:51:00

oops should have been 'here's' - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-02: 12:52:00

Gawd, I hate that song. (then follow, follow-follow-follow...) Gee, thanks. - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-02: 19:07:00

Very interesting! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-02: 20:34:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: fōpô

Sentence: Buffy just can't seem to get things right. She doesn't quite understand the etiquette of the local dog park. She is always the one who creates the fauxpaw. All the others are having fun roughing around when she arrives. As soon as she tries to join in, the people there start screaming at her and pulling their dogs away. Its not her fault that the Pomeranian looks and sounds just like a squeaky toy. Such is the life of a pitbull.

Etymology: faux pas (an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation) + paw (an animal's foot having claws and pads)


It gives one paws... - wayoffcenter, 2009-05-21: 12:47:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: hair ass

Sentence: In "Gone With The Wind", Miss Scarlett O'Hare hareassed her friends, family, servants and enemies to become the Belle of the Ball. If they remade that movie today, who would they cast as Rhett Butler...Rabbit Redford? Carrot Top? Jon Bunny Jovi???

Etymology: Harass ( annoy continually or chronically;exhaust by attacking repeatedly) & Hare (swift timid long-eared mammal larger than a rabbit having a divided upper lip and long hind legs)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: blun-der-EL-lah

Sentence: Ellen was known (behind her back, of course) as blunderella for her lousy social skills and the appellation was derived from her uncanny ability to immediately turn a friendly discussion into a disaster thru her mindless though unintended insults which usually targeted the most innocent of the participants.

Etymology: Blend of Blunder and the name Ella, a far fetched play on the name Cinderella.


What happens to her at midnight??? - Nosila, 2009-05-22: 00:10:00


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Created by: Leroylee

Pronunciation: Bunny-Ki-ker

Sentence: She's such a bunnykicker, ignore her!

Etymology: from the word Bunny and Kicker

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: FREND-kwish

Sentence: Through unblinking, lucid eyes, The fickle gaze of friendquish, Aims its arrows at the soul Of a friendly, welcoming heart.

Etymology: Blend of FRIEND: one who is friendly towards others & QUISH (of vanquish):subdue, overcome,


and how about squish for your etymology - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-02: 12:53:00

Agreed JBW, "squish" is much more powerful. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-02: 20:31:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: blog gres sor

Sentence: In modern day terms, the Big Bad Wolf would be a blogressor intimidating those 3 Little Piggies on his blog. He'd dis their lifestyles and swear to do physical damage to their cribs, just because he could!

Etymology: Blogger (someone who communicates on a website, giving their opinion to all and sundry)& Aggressor (a confident ;someone who attacks)

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Created by: arrrteest

Pronunciation: beh seej ee us

Sentence: Gretta suffered from an ingrown sense of entitlement and superiority. Often she would join a group and try to quickly assess how to rise up in the ranks of coolness by selecting the weakest link. Her years in middle and high school prepared her with many opportunities to crush anyone who were not worthy of her attention and who would not be spineless followers of her entourage of cliquiness. However, this all came to a screeching halt when she decided to enter the workforce and had to make nice with all of the other employees. Her besiegious behavior was not tolerated and when she attacked the nicest person within the established office culture, she was immediately shown a different pecking order.

Etymology: besiege + egregious

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Created by: scarletzinc

Pronunciation: stay-pahr-foe

Sentence: She just walks in here and starts judging us. She's such a stepperfoe.

Etymology: Stepper-one who steps on other people's feelings/personality. Foe-enemy or villain

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Created by: biscuitbiter

Pronunciation: so-cio-no-tor-ri-tee

Sentence: Amanda was ousted from the Society of animal rightists because her socionotoriety got the better of her.

Etymology: Social(Human society)and Notoriety(disrepute)


Nice word biscuitbiter! - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-02: 19:11:00


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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: stab/oh/taj

Sentence: Max' prime motivation in life was to stabotage friendly environments.

Etymology: sabotage + stab


Good word! - Mustang, 2008-04-02: 18:05:00

"Beastie Boys" stuff! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-02: 20:45:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: brow ser beet

Sentence: By day, Faye was a mild mannered person. But at night, in front of her screen with several cocktails under her belt,Faye loved to browserbeat others on websites and networks where she could remain anonymous and insulting to vent her spleen at will. It's like addiction fed the other.

Etymology: Browser (Computer Science A program that accesses and displays files and other data available on the Internet and other networks) & Browbeat (bully;dominate;intimidate)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-02: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by doseydotes. Thank you doseydotes. ~ James

Jamagra - 2008-04-02: 00:18:00
Dang! Where can I get those shoes?! Love them! ...and another fabulous cartoon to add to an abunnydant collection.

purpleartichokes - 2008-04-02: 07:09:00
I want the bunny!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-02: 07:32:00
The shoes and bunny are available in my imagination... And now, I guess they are part of yours too! You can wear them while you're playing Verbotomy. ~ James

purpleartichokes - 2008-04-02: 09:50:00
Ouch! The varmint bit me! Bad Bunny! Now he's pooping all over the keyboarddddd. Oops, the "dddd" key is stuck.

arrrteest - 2008-04-02: 23:27:00
Killer Rabbit! Retreat!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-21: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by doseydotes. Thank you doseydotes. ~ James

Annette Gray - 2009-05-21: 03:58:00
I really enjoy reading the funny words and etymologies of this Abrakadeborah. What great site!