Vote for the best verboticism.

'What did you just call me?'

DEFINITION: v. To use alternative "code words" instead of proper cuss words, in an effort to satisfy people offended by such vulgarisms. n. A word used as a replacement for an obscene or profane expletive.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: mawk sen it tee

Sentence: Mrs. Beach, the English teacher hated profanity and forbade her students from using any of these words in her classroom. Kids being kids in today's society of course cannot speak without cursing. To keep from being expelled and yet express his youthful dramatics, one brain surgeon in her class found a solution. He developed the mockscenity code. When he wanted to use a curse word, he had to substitute the first letter of that word with a "p" and if the first letter was a vowel, he just put the p in front of it. Pam, it worked like a pitch. It knocked the phit out of bad-sounding words and before long the whole ploody class was using it, pell yes. Mrs. Beach however had been a decryptor with the CIA before she retired to teaching and announced one morning, loudly, "The puck stops here!"

Etymology: Mock (a copy or imitation of something; imitate with mockery and derision) & Obscenity (an offensive or indecent word or phrase)

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: cus-ple-tive

Sentence: Just because you use cusspletive words around me...don't think I'm too old to not know what you're really calling me!

Etymology: Cuss - Alteration of curse. Pletive - taken in part from 'expletive'- An interjectory word or expression, frequently profane.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: fōfanətē

Sentence: Marge is the queen of fauxfanity. Her coworkers have no doubt how she feels even though she tries to remain semi-polite by using substitutes for profane language. Phrases like "No friggin' way", "What the fudge","Kiss my bass" or "Go hug yourself" have raised more than a few eyebrows.

Etymology: faux (artificial or imitation) + profanity (blasphemous or obscene language)


similar combinations but different results - great word - Jabberwocky, 2009-06-22: 14:18:00


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Created by: pieceof314

Pronunciation: sub-ter-fyood

Sentence: Marvin mumbled under his breath, "You rockem sockem, bean pole ridin, frickin, dung eating, rear end of a moose's petutie." "What?" responded his partner, "You can certainly come up with better subterfeud than that, can't you?" "Uh, what a BEACH!"

Etymology: subterfuge, Late Latin subterfugium, from Latin subterfugere to escape, evade, from subter- secretly (from subter underneath; + fugere to flee + feud, a mutual enmity or quarrel that is often prolonged or inveterate

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: bloo-pur-poo-pur

Sentence: Those blooperpoopers really annoy me . Only the other day I heard a woman say she had got in a right mucking fuddle, it took me ages to realise what she meant.

Etymology: Blooper(something that should not have been said)Pooper(To ruin, spoil)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: pro fan it tees

Sentence: Rudy would always use profanitease instead of the words he really wanted to use. He put the cur in curse. When asked to repreat his bad words, he would inevitably re-word his remarks with different meaning words.

Etymology: Profanity (vulgar or irreverent speech or action) & Tease (to arouse hope, desire, or curiosity without satisfying them)

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: kus - wop - pur

Sentence: Joel had become an adept cusswapper. After years of practice he was able to speak expletively no matter what the situation and no one could really be certain that he was violating acceptable social practices. He used many common everday words as cusswappers; getting his point across quite well without really swearing.

Etymology: cuss, swap, swapper


from a cusswopper to a cusswapper! - Nosila, 2009-06-22: 18:15:00


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Created by: tyler775

Pronunciation: /par * ah * ka * ore/

Sentence: Whenever our boss acts very rule and demanding, we call him the parracore 'flux bucket' behind his back.

Etymology: *Parra- from Greek prefix Para- meaning apart from or abnormal. *Suffix -core from English which meant stubborn or unyielding prior to 1930s

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: proxy/fan/i/tee

Sentence: Sally was determined not to use unsuitable language at her new job and instead invented many proxfanitys to suit the occasion.

Etymology: proxy (substitute or surrogate) + profanity


Good one! - Mustang, 2009-06-23: 00:44:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: yoo fen iz im

Sentence: When Barney and his Mom fought it was funny. When they spoke of the other, they only said a youphenism, instead of the really rude words they were thinking.

Etymology: You (2nd person singular) & Euphenism (A euphemism is a substitution of an agreeable or less offensive expression in place of one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the listener,[1] or in the case of doublespeak, to make it less troublesome for the speaker.)

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: Pyu-tres-oh--TER-ik

Sentence: What was said, in a putresoteric drone, by the old "sea-salt" that made the seasoned skanky-ho blush so profoundly?

Etymology: Blend of PUTRESCENCE: rotting; fig: obscene or profane; vulgar; as foul words or language & ESOTERIC: "belonging to the inner circle," private, secret, confidential.

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Created by: Bookworm699


Sentence: "Fat old beach," she fakeswore under her breath.


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: fo kuss

Sentence: Dr.Seemore Glasses was an optometrist and normally a man of vision. Born a Presbyopic, he'd rather ride the cataracts than attend Church or Temple. He was short-sighted in one aspect: he was afraid to make a spectacle of himself in front of his clients. Although it sounded cornea, he hated to swear in front of them. He would tell them he needed to fauxcuss, when they did or said something stupid. One fellow kept making an astigmatism of himself, so Dr. Seemore stopped seeing him, before their macular degenerated anymore. Through his contacts, the doctor also teaches at the university and lens his experience to the newbies. Unfortunately, the boring nature of eye topics often made his pupils dilate. One day he fauxcussed on his lovely assistant, Iris,who he claimed was untidy, blind to messes and kept their office like a sty. She in turn accused Dr. Seemore of ogling her. Although it later turned out that she was bipolarized and also binocular, she pressed charges. As the police led away the good Dr.Seemore, he was heard to yell, "I've been framed!"

Etymology: Faux (not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article) & Cuss (profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger;utter obscenities or profanities)


Good word! - Mustang, 2008-05-08: 07:45:00

best word this month!! - galwaywegian, 2008-05-08: 12:13:00

The story alone is worth a vote! - pieceof314, 2008-05-08: 14:05:00

wow - so many good words today - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-08: 14:22:00

Spot on - Love it! - Tigger, 2008-05-08: 18:59:00

Excellent. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-08: 19:35:00

My fave - arrrteest, 2008-05-08: 22:39:00

I'd like to thank the members of the Academy...Cheers All! - Nosila, 2008-05-08: 23:09:00


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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: smut-stih-toot

Sentence: Because I work in a kindergarten I maintein a constant cuss diet and will resort to using smutstitute words when I am really gee-golly ticked off at some wing-nut. Though I'd reaally like to tell them to go fudge themselves!!

Etymology: smut + substitute


nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-08: 14:24:00

Perfect! - Tigger, 2008-05-08: 18:57:00

Excellent! - Mustang, 2008-05-08: 19:20:00

Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-08: 19:34:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: präksplitiv

Sentence: ”What the fudge is wrong with you? You’re a frickin rock star”, fumed Iggy’s manager. ”You’re supposed to be a hard-brass who curses like a sailor and the best we can get out of you is a proxpletive”.

Etymology: proxy (a person authorized to act on behalf of another) + expletive (an oath or swear word)

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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: sŭb'tər-fēm'

Sentence: "GOT DANDRUFF, SOMEOFITITCHES!" Grandpa shouted his well-known subterpheme, as he bonked his thumb with the ball-peen hammer for the third time.

Etymology: 'sub,' short for underwater marine vessel, also used to describe an oversized sandwich served on long bread; 'terph,' alt. of turf, locale where one finds one's homies; 'eme,' collapsed form of e-me, avatar used as an on-line representation of oneself.

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Created by: rebelvin

Pronunciation: vulg-air+avoid

Sentence: I was so angry, I forgot to vulgaravoid, and she seemed shocked at the words that came out of my mouth.

Etymology: vulgar+avoid

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: code/vurs

Sentence: Around the office, us lackies have to codeverse so we don't offend the boss, or her prim and proper manager with our foul language. When angry at a co-worker, we often shout at them "Go f'coffee!", or "Eat hit, you bit head!", but so far our codeversations haven't raised the ire of the language police.

Etymology: code + converse (To engage in spoken exchange)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: soōdōfanətē

Sentence: Billy is sensitive to co-workers who don't care for cussing. He is very good at the use of the pseudofanity. He curses like a sailor with all the expletives replaced with substitutes. He can be such a mother fudger.

Etymology: pseudo (not genuine; sham) + profanity (blasphemous or obscene language)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: ill-LUDE

Sentence: Shane had a sick sense of humor and even in everyday conversation he'd take every opportunity to use substitute words to illewd to very trashy and disgusting language.

Etymology: blend of ill and lewd, play on the word 'allude'


Shane was lewdicrous! - Nosila, 2009-06-22: 18:13:00


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Created by: WarriorCatGoddess

Pronunciation: More-fit-ing

Sentence: The boy was morfiting at his teacher for giving him an F on his quiz.


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: hek-spli-tiv

Sentence: As the pastor of his church John can't use profane language. As a human that is subject to anger or pain, he has found his own set of heckspletives to get him through these times. Where someone else might say "Shut the F___ up", John will say "Hush the frog up". Where someone else might tell someone to "Go to Hell", John smiles tells them to "have a nice time at the BBQ". Even though he gets blank stares sometimes, he feels better that he knows what he meant.

Etymology: heck (used as a mild expression of annoyance, rejection, disgust, etc.) + expletive (an interjectory word or expression, frequently profane; an exclamatory oath)

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Created by: didsbury

Pronunciation: pro-f-eye-nn

Sentence: I'm sorry officer but you must have misheard me. If we do go to court I think you will find that 'crucking funt' is a profinity and not a profanity.

Etymology: Turning the profane into the profine was an art form perfected by the French aristocracy in the early years of the republic. They were also helped by atrocious aural hygiene standards during this period of history.


reminds me of the guy on Capitol Steps who tells the stories with initial letters transposed. One concluded thast Haris Pilton simply needed a little soap in her hole; then there was the spale of Elliot Titzler.... - stache, 2008-05-08: 19:02:00, Titzer. You know, the guy wh went to all the hicey prookers? nd I mean hicey. We're not talking bwenty tucks. No, not birty thucks. No, not even borty...never mind. - stache, 2008-05-08: 19:05:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: code/vurs

Sentence: Around the office, us lackies have to codeverse so we don't offend the boss, or her prim and proper manager with our foul language. When angry at a co-worker, we often shout at them "Go f'coffee", or "He eats hit", but so far our codeversations haven't raised the ire of the language police.

Etymology: code + converse (To engage in spoken exchange)

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Created by: arrrteest

Pronunciation: dis-kuss-fem-izm

Sentence: Tony was sitting in a chair in the principal's office again. "Tony, can you explain to me what you meant by 'dime beach?'" "Yeah, I went to a beach that charged a dime to go to it! I was just remembering it and I said it outloud. To nobody really, but Mrs. Fluster just happened to be there." The principal looked at him and shook his head. "Now Tony, yesterday you were in here for calling a classmate a 'shucking fithead' and tried to tell me that a fithead is what they call a healthy person who processes oysters. You're not fooling anyone, buddy. You've got to stop this discussphemism or you'll be finding yourself explaining this to your parents while you are on suspension!

Etymology: dis, disrespect + cuss, curse + phemism, from euphemism

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Created by: Rutilus

Pronunciation: sub-yooz

Sentence: "Piece off" she yelled to the young man crossing the road. Jemima's impatience and road rage was leading her to subuse people in the most public places.

Etymology: sub (from substitute) - to replace; abuse (v) - to insult, cause harm to others

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: poooooo fem isum

Sentence: She let out a string of poophemisms that included a banker, a brickhead and several ducks

Etymology: euphemism, poo

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Created by: youmustvotenato

Pronunciation: rhymes with purse

Sentence: While reading Huck Finn in his 8th grade class, we had to blurse all the racial slurs replacing "n*****" with "no gooder".

Etymology: bleep+curse

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: al - LOOD

Sentence: Cyrus had a coding system wherein he would use substitute words to allewd to words of graphic or vulgar nature.

Etymology: Play on the words allude and lewd... to refer to indirectly with couched obscenity.


clever - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-08: 14:21:00

Clever and interesting blend - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-08: 19:38:00

Good one...he would allewd alloud allot! - Nosila, 2008-05-08: 23:15:00


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Created by: splendiction

Pronunciation: pro fam i li ty

Sentence: The Goode’s espoused family values and so expressed anger with profamility like “fudge” and “mitt” instead of good old four-letter words such ass f*** and ***t.

Etymology: From profanity and family.


Whoops-didn't mean to add the extra s to as! - splendiction, 2009-06-22: 20:30:00


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Created by: phoenix89

Pronunciation: Pro - covert - an -it-e

Sentence: Sometimes children curse when they shouldnt or when they are angry. To avoid punishment for using profanity they do it covertly and call it " procovertanity ".

Etymology: Profanity (profane conduct or language) Covert ( to conceal , disguise , or do in secrecy)

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: you-feck-miz-m

Sentence: Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares had to be dubbed with eupheckmisms before it could be screened on the family viewing channel.

Etymology: euphemism (word or phrase used to stand in for a taboo word, or topic that is unpleasant to talk about) + feck (irish eupheckmism for the f word)


Good one, petaj...Gordon Ramsay was a feckin' eejit long before it was fashionable to be so... - Nosila, 2008-05-08: 23:19:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: al-LUDE

Sentence: Carson has a quick and clever wit and a bit of a dirty mind and will often use 'substitute' words that are intended to allewd to something raunchy.

Etymology: Play on the words 'allude' and 'lewd'... to refer to something indirectly with couched obscenity

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: (like 'placebo') /pluh-SEE-bohth/

Sentence: Sandra, a mother of three children and a former radio DJ, had trained herself never to swear, but she would often use placeboaths in place of profanity. So, when she yelled at Bobby, "Cheese and Crackers!! Get your gosh darn feet off the coffee table and stop acting like a fudging sugarhead!" nobody thought it was unusual. After all, Bobby really had been acting like a sugarhead.

Etymology: Placebo - a medication prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect (Latin, placebo "I shall please") + Oath - any profane expression; curse; swearword (from Middle English, ooth "swear" [to a god or diety])


an elegant creation, I must say - stache, 2008-05-08: 08:22:00

very nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-08: 14:21:00

Terrific! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-08: 19:37:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: marss/code

Sentence: Marsecode, derived from marseholecode is used by people who feel more comfortable using only morsels of bad language.

Etymology: Morse code + arse


you brits kill me. - stache, 2008-05-08: 08:20:00

I like it. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-08: 19:36:00


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Created by: verbherder

Pronunciation: els-swair

Sentence: Howie Mandel always uses vulgarities, but Ed Begley Jr. speaks like a saint. Elseswears come out of his mouth in place of curse words even when he's talking about Mark Harmon and Denzel Washington.

Etymology: else (in some other way) + swear (To use profane oaths; curse)

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: poo fem isum

Sentence: poophemism is not to be confused with poofeminism, which is confused enough itself

Etymology: euphemism. poo

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Created by: ethanb

Pronunciation: furs

Sentence: Jay uses furses around his catholic mother to avoid her ire, but in normal company he cusses like a sailor.

Etymology: "curse" + "farce"

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Created by: Ismelstar

Pronunciation: [yoo-efuh-miz-uhm]

Sentence: Pristine, soft-spoken and mild, the limits of Molly Mormon's patience had finally expired after Danny overturned a perfume bottle under her desk. "Oh my Heck!" she blurted unable to stop the youeffemisms tumbling out of her mouth. "You little Ess. Just get the Eff out of my class!"

Etymology: A play with the imperative forms of bowdlerized swear words, (which generally are used by naming only the first letter of the offending curse) which sounds like 'euphemism', the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive or harsh.

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Created by: rombus

Pronunciation: al - lu - ded

Sentence: Olive often allewded to lewd and vulger words by subtituting them with wholesome sounding happy phrases.... It was extremely difficult to say with certainty what her real intentions were but she definitely got her point accross.

Etymology: alluded (made a disguised reference to), lewd


Good one! - Mustang, 2009-06-23: 00:44:00


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Created by: LittleMissSmile

Pronunciation: Frick

Sentence: What the FRICK!?!


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: ooooooo fem iz em

Sentence: They used several ooophemisms including a poophemism, some brewphemisms and several screwphemisms.

Etymology: oooooooh, euphemism


oooooooh - love it - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-08: 14:20:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: ex-pleh-toot

Sentence: Mommy often had to expletute words around the baby, who was beginning to show an uncanny ability to imitate her speech patterns, especially when she was having a discussion with daddy about golf.

Etymology: expletive: vulgar or coarse word to express emotion + substitute: a replacement

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: kur sor ree

Sentence: Simon ended up using cursorry words when he was vexed. Thus was because he could no longer afford to feed the office's swear jar.

Etymology: Curse (swear;profanity) & Sorry (rue;regret;expressing sorrow)and Wordplay on Cursory (hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough)

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