Verboticism: Moltiplacation
DEFINITION: v., To shed one's skin in an effort to appear younger or healthier. n. The little bits peeling skin caused by overexposure to direct sunlight.
Created by: phonematode
Pronunciation: mohl-ti-play-cay-shun
Sentence: She attempted to mollify her inner youth worshipper by addressing her times table through moltiplacation.
Etymology: molt (to shed) + placate (to calm, appease), + sounds like multiplication; n. moltiplaques = the flakey bits, from plaque (a flat plate, slab, disk, or patch)
Points: 545
Comments: Moltiplacation
OZZIEBOB - 2007-09-17: 20:25:00
Be careful when you look for the good of days of your youth through moltiplication, cos you might just find algebra! Love the word and enjoyed the bizarreness of the sentence.