Verboticism: Hubbymoon
DEFINITION: The happy period in a marriage, which occurs once the husband has been fully domesticated.
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: hub-BEE-moon
Sentence: Blissless Bob quickly found out that being a husband was like any other job - it helps if you obey the boss. Once he accepted this fact, the hubbymoon, for he and Roxy, commenced.
Etymology: Hubby (slang for husband)& moon. Based on honeymoon: the early (usually calm and harmonious) period of a relationship; personal, political or business.
Points: 1163
Comments: Hubbymoon
Gionuzzo - 2007-08-23: 09:02:00
Good word!
mplsbohemian - 2007-08-23: 23:37:00
So perfect, I can't even think of anything else!