Verboticism: Chronicletwopointoverkill

DEFINITION: v. To compulsively describe, in excruciating detail, the minute events of one's everyday life as it happens; especially when assisted by modern information technology systems. n. A person who feels compelled to "share" every detail of their life, with everyone.
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: chronicle-2-point-O-verkill
Sentence: Twittering, blogging masses are frittering away their first lives with chronicletwopointoverkill. "Now I'm just logging into Second Life", "must blog this, my fingernail just broke in the keyboard" etc. etc.
Etymology: chronicle + 2.0 (from web2.0) + overkill
Points: 464
Comments: Chronicletwopointoverkill
purpleartichokes - 2007-04-11: 06:43:00
Tune in tomorrow for Detail of 2 Geocities.