Verboticism: Gaialing

'Don't get too close. It might be contagious...'

DEFINITION: n. A sick planet which has a cold, a fever, and some kind of weird infection. v. To be worried sick about the health of the planet, because you know the problem is really the people.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: gaya ling

Sentence: The approaching aliens took one look at the smog, lack of ozone layer and drying polar caps and oceans and decided planet Earth was gaialing. They decided to abort their landing procedures and flee home.

Etymology: Gaia: (Greek Goddess of the Earth; also the hypothesis that the living and nonliving components of earth function as a single system in such a way that the living component regulates and maintains conditions (as the temperature of the ocean or composition of the atmosphere) so as to be suitable for life; also: this system regarded as a single organism) & Ailing (Ill,prone to sickness)

Points: 1412