Verboticism: Comspendsation

'So how are you adjusting to married life?'

DEFINITION: v. To compensate for lack of love, attention and/or sexual favors by buying things, lots of things. n. An object purchased to compensate for sexual dawdling.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: kom-spend-sey-shuhn

Sentence: Ron is having trouble adjusting to the fact that his wife earns far more than he does. He is also is not happy with how much time she spends on work and not him. His comspendsation might just solve this little dilemma by sending them into bankruptcy or divorce court.

Etymology: compensation (a mechanism by which an individual attempts to make up for some real or imagined deficiency of personality or behavior by developing or stressing another aspect of the personality or by substituting a different form of behavior) + spend (to pay out, disburse, or expend; dispose of money, wealth, resources, etc.)

Points: 944