Verboticism: Blork

'I think this is a game of hide and seek.'

DEFINITION: n. A momentary feeling of relief mixed with lingering dread, which occurs when your boss marches past the piles of unfinished work on your desk. v. To sigh with relief after your boss marches past your desk

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Created by: Rhyme79

Pronunciation: bl-aw-k

Sentence: "You know when you're totally blorking 'cos your boss didn't talk to you? I had it three times today. I nearly died of blork." "OMG! I had a major blork just then. My boss is a total slave driver but he didn't notice me slacking for a change."

Etymology: The words 'boss', 'pile' and 'work' all squashed together into a semi-coherent sounding sort of word.

Points: 671

Comments: Blork

Discoveria - 2012-09-09: 14:34:00
Is she having a blockage or a blorkage? Great word.