Verboticism: Pseudonymbecile

DEFINITION: n. A person who is so enamored with their online identity that they believe that it is more real than their physical one. v. To suddenly realize that you are large, blubbery mammal with no useful superpowers.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: soo do nim bes syl
Sentence: When George, also known as Super Flyman, got up in the morning after the very long ComiCon weekend, he was surprised at what stared back at him from the mirror. This pseudonymbecile was really an out of shape middle-aged guy. Imagine his horror to realize that another Super Hero had shared his bed last night. Funny that after all those COSMO-politans last night that his bedmate was no longer Wonder Woman, but Super-Fat Granny!
Etymology: Pseudonym(a fictitious name used when the person performs a particular social role) & Imbecile (a person of subnormal intelligence)
Points: 824