Verboticism: Neighbores

DEFINITION: n. Annoying neighbors who spend endless hours mowing their lawns, painting their fences, washing their cars, and browbeating you because you have a life. v. To express disapproval for someone's lifestyle.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: nay borz
Sentence: Alice lived in an average urban housing tract of single family dwellings. She lived next door to that one couple on every block who spends every spare second out there tending their yard. These neighbores used scissors to eradicate every long single blade of grass. Their yard looked unnatural in its manicured state and even the bugs avoided it. Too bad they treated Alice and her country garden home with such disdain. They thought she was a hoe...
Etymology: Neighbors (persons who live near each other) & Bores (a person who evokes boredom;make a hole with a pointed power or hand tool)
Points: 806