Verboticism: Mischarmery

'Look! A pretty rainbow...'

DEFINITION: v. To see beauty in the midst of a complete disaster. n. The ability to see beauty in the rainbow hues of a toxic oil spill, or in the remnants of a poster torn down long ago, or in the subtle cracks in the plaster of a cheap, cold-water flat.

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: miss-charm-er-ree

Sentence: As she began to lose consciousness she noticed the mischarmery of her own blood spatter while it dripped down the wall. With each blow it looked more and more like a painting she did when she was young during her "Jackson Pollock" phase.

Etymology: misery (wretchedness of condition or circumstances) + charm (attractiveness)

Points: 884

Comments: Mischarmery

petaj - 2010-11-24: 07:05:00
gruesome imagery

remistram - 2010-11-24: 08:55:00
been watching The Walking Dead lately...