Verboticism: Pestaside

DEFINITION: v. To try to kill a weed that just won't die. n. A weed that just keeps on coming back, no matter what you do to it.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: pest a syde
Sentence: No matter what she tried, Flora could not rid her yard of crab grass. It grew in her lawn. her flower beds, under trees and in between cracks in the cement. She had tried every chemical she could find to eliminate it.But nothing worked.In her mind, the pesticides just became pestasides, because the weeds came back somewhere else. She decided to use reverse psychology. If she planted crab grass on purpose, maybe her lawn and flowers would become the pests and grow in it's place! No wonder they called it crab makes you a crab trying to eliminate it!
Etymology: Pest (crab grass:grasses with creeping stems that root freely; a pest (nuisance) in lawns)& Aside (in a different direction)
Points: 2276