Verboticism: Pseudozoophilia

'So what do you think of my snake?'

DEFINITION: v. To pretend that you adore someone's pet even though it is annoyingly stupid, bizarrely threatening, or just plain stinky. n. A alarming pet or companion, which nevertheless requires fawning.

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Created by: XMbIPb

Pronunciation: /su-do-zo-o-fi-li-a/

Sentence: Once a girl hears the ticking of that special biological clock, she'll fake anything. I knew a girl once who pretended to know how to cook, laughed at my jokes, and even laughed at my friends' jokes. What tipped me over to propose was her PSEUDOZOOPHILIA toward my pet tarantula Mike. Now that we are back from our honeymoon, Mike is dead, I am always hungry and can't help but wonder what else is she faking.

Etymology: PSEUDO (fr. Grk.) - false, fake; ZOO (fr. Grk.) - animal; PHILOS (fr.Grk) - dear, love.

Points: 1475