Verboticism: Thinfatuated

DEFINITION: n. That sinking feeling you get when you realize that you will be shedding your winter coat, before you can possibly shed the extra layer of insulation (i.e. fat) that you gained over the winter. v. To worry about your weight.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: θinfachoōātd
Sentence: Like many people do at this time of year, Kim is thinfatuated with how she will look when it comes time to head for the beach. You might even say she has a blobsession, fretting over every bite she takes. She doesn*t have much time to get rid of her Winter sinsulation.
Etymology: thin (make or become smaller in width or thickness) + infatuated (be inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for)
Points: 740
Comments: Thinfatuated
Nosila - 2010-03-18: 00:18:00
thimply thinful word