Verboticism: Culpalabelity

'Omigod! You're cheating on me!'

DEFINITION: n., A type of guilt associated with a lapse in brand loyalty; especially when caught surreptitiously zipping the "wrong" coffee by your barista "friend". v. To secretly switch brands.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: kulpa lay bel itee

Sentence: Saundra was jeanetically challenged. She loved her old Levi's, but of late found them more expensive, the right fits harder to find and the brand carried less design variety for a fashionista like her. She had guiltily bought a marvy pair of new jeans with rhinestones and embroidery adorning them at a discount store. So what if they would only last through a few washes before they shredded. With a fearsome culpalabelity, she wore them to work one day. Her eagle-eyed manager spotted the new jeans right away. He shouted, "Saundra you can only come waltzing into this Levi's store if it is by Stauss!"

Etymology: Culpability (a state of guilt) & Label (brand;trade name;an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object)

Points: 398