Verboticism: Blindoneone

'The thing I love about internet dating...'

DEFINITION: v. To arrange with a friend to phone you with a "crisis" during a blind date, in case you need to make an emergency exit; n. A fake "emergency" phone call that is used to end a blind date.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: bl ine d wun wun

Sentence: Flossie arranged that Marcy would make a blindoneone phone call to her sometime during the evening of her blind date with Harold. Flossie could then easily extricate herself on pretense of an emergency, if Harold proved to be an unpleasant experience.

Etymology: 911 (emergency phone number, emergency call), blind (blind date)

Points: 857

Comments: Blindoneone

splendiction - 2009-07-09: 12:02:00
- excellent!