Verboticism: Pressfracture

'Help! Get this thing off of me! '

DEFINITION: v. To return to the gym in order to get back in shape, only to over-do-it and injure yourself. n. An injury which is the result of an overly ambitious exercise program.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: press-frak-chur

Sentence: Dan sustained a pressfracture when he tried to lift more weights than he should for a guy his age and shape. Adding insult to injury, he would have to endure the ribbing of the guys at the office and the constant "I told you so..." from his wife.

Etymology: press: a weight in weightlifting, to apply force or pressure + fracture: bone break or rupture in the cartilage -- stress fracture: fracture caused by undue stress or pressure on a bone

Points: 719