Verboticism: Careerdumb

DEFINITION: v. To stick to your plan even though you've realized it's dumb. n. A stupid plan, especially if it's a career plan suggested by parents, teachers or guidance counselors who want you to be something that you're not.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: kəri(ə)rdəm
Sentence: Cindy finished college and entered the world of careerdumb, taking a job that she doesn't like and isn't in her her field of study. To make matters worse her new coworkers resent that her dad pulled the strings that put her in a position she is barely qualified for. Managing a store that sells plush animals will do nothing to further her career as a veterinarian.
Etymology: career (an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life) + dom (suffix forming nouns: denoting a state or condition) + dumb (stupid)
Points: 962