Verboticism: Hysterimissedcall

DEFINITION: v. To feel stressed and anxious and when your mobile phone runs out of battery power, drops its network connection, or in the worst case, gets misplaced and lost. n. A panic attack caused by an interruption in your mobile phone service.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: hiss/ter/i/mist/call
Sentence: Sally became hysterimissedcall when her cell phone broke down just as she was about to accept a once in a lifetime job offer.
Etymology: hysteria + missed call + hysterical
Points: 698
Comments: Hysterimissedcall
Nosila - 2009-05-22: 12:00:00
Good one...nightmare scenario. Don't you think they should call it histeria when it's a guy and hersteria when it happens to a girl???
libertybelle - 2009-05-22: 14:24:00