Verboticism: Virtuamnesial

'That can't be me. He doesn't have any muscles...'

DEFINITION: n. A person who is so enamored with their online identity that they believe that it is more real than their physical one. v. To suddenly realize that you are large, blubbery mammal with no useful superpowers.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: vir-tu-am-knee-ze-yal

Sentence: Vince spent so much time in his Second Life that he was virtuamnesial. After a good look in the mirror one morning, he realized to his horror that he was still in his first life and that he had forgotten to go to work and pay his rent. Homeless and penniless, he took his laptop to Starbucks and returned to his virtual kingdom that didn't suck.

Etymology: Virtual: 1) existing in essence or effect, but not appearance or form, 2) being actually such in almost every respect--such as a virtual wreck 3) a computer generated simulation + amnesia: a partial or total loss of memory, usually resulting from a shock, psycological disturbance or brain injury. "Second Life" -- a virtual world that people can create where they can live vicariously as the person they wish they really would be.

Points: 803