Verboticism: Multibasketcase

DEFINITION: n. A person who gets completely disoriented whenever they try to do more that one thing at a time. v. To make a big mess because you are trying to do too many things at once.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: mull/tee/bas/ket/case
Sentence: Sam was a complete multibasketcase whenever Sally asked him to help with the housework. In the end it was safer to do it on her own.
Etymology: multitask + basket case
Points: 938
Comments: Multibasketcase
Nosila - 2009-05-13: 19:19:00
Good one!
abrakadeborah - 2009-05-14: 10:34:00
So true Jabber! Kudos to you again! :)