Verboticism: Boomshakacracka

'My bikini still fits!'

DEFINITION: n. A person in deep denial who crams into their old clothing which is now somewhat unflattering, and perhaps several sizes too small. v. To wear clothing from your "younger days" just to prove that you still got it.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: boom-shack-a-crack-a

Sentence: In her heyday, the beach bunny once made the boys cry "boomshackalacka" when she sashayed by in her thong bikini. Now the saggy, baggy, aging boomer draws hoots, giggles and cries of "boomshackacracka" from the beach crowd as she shuffles by in her orthopedic thong.

Etymology: boomshackalacka -- from the bridge of Tina Turner's hit "I Want to Take You Higher," it has become an urban expression in reference to the jiggling of a woman's derriere. Tina Turner is undoubtedly one of the greatest rock divas of all time whose career soared in the 1960s and 70s with her husband Ike Turner. Born in 1939, she still records and her concerts continue to electrify people as she tears up the stage with her music, still looking amazing in short skirts and heels. + cracka -- you figure it out

Points: 872