Verboticism: Kitchenderanged

DEFINITION: v. To whack someone over the head with a pot (or any other handy utensil), because they won't do what you say. n. A complaint about someone who doesn't do things the way you want.
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: kitchen-dee-ranged
Sentence: Everyone knew not to mess with mom in the kitchen. If she got mad whatever was in her hand, a pot, spoon or spatula, became an implement of household law enforcement. Most especially, we learned not argue with her about chores or to criticize her cooking. She could get absolutely kitchenderanged and we'd see her skullery skills. We decided that it was much better to kiss the cook than to kid her.
Etymology: word based on Kitchen Range (stove) -- kitchen + deranged: to behave wildly or irrationally
Points: 821