Verboticism: Homocreatoxic

'Don't get too close. It might be contagious...'

DEFINITION: n. A sick planet which has a cold, a fever, and some kind of weird infection. v. To be worried sick about the health of the planet, because you know the problem is really the people.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: ho-mo-crea-toxic

Sentence: The guide pointed out the window and announced to the group of tourists, "This is an example of a homocreatoxic planet." Sadly, it is systematically being destroyed by the dominant species who either does not recognize or isn't concerned by the signs of impending demise. This is the only planet we've seen thus far that has come to this particular form of extinction. Anthropologists say that it once was like a garden with fields, mountains, oceans and millions of diverse creatures. This is as close as we can get to the planet without risking contagion. Now, let's move on to Saturn's exquisite rings..."

Etymology: Homo: (Latin) man/mankind + Creation: (creationism)the world as it was created by a creator + Toxic: poisonous, often by chemical means

Points: 1004

Comments: Homocreatoxic

silveryaspen - 2009-04-22: 11:24:00
Triple word play, very apt to the definition ... Great Create!