Verboticism: Defolihaternal
DEFINITION: v. To try to kill a weed that just won't die. n. A weed that just keeps on coming back, no matter what you do to it.
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: dee-fole-ee-HATE-err-null
Sentence: His lawn was a crop, so smooth and compliant- but marred by a dandelion so defiant! He doused it with poison and dug up the roots- tried stomping it out with his hobnail boots. His hatred it grew- and became quite diurnal- It doomed him to try to DEFOLIATERNAL. In dreams it would flourish, in truth it’s quite sad- That one odd little weed made a sane man go mad.
Etymology: DEFOLIate+HATe+etERNAL=DEFOLIHATERNAL.....DEFOLIATE:to deprive of leaves especially prematurely; Late Latin defoliatus, past participle of defoliare, from Latin de- + folium leaf[1791].....HATE: intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury, extreme dislike or antipathy; Middle English, from Old English hete; akin to Old High German haz hate, Greek kēdos care.....ETERNAL: perpetual, having infinite duration, everlasting; Middle English, from Middle French, from Late Latin aeternalis, from Latin aeternus eternal, from aevum age, eternity.
Points: 1061
Comments: Defolihaternal
metrohumanx - 2009-04-20: 00:51:00
DIURNAL: recurring every day; Middle English, from Latin diurnalis.
silveryaspen - 2009-04-20: 09:59:00
A fun rhyme with verbotomy whose ending might be said to be an earn-all! (ernal).
abrakadeborah - 2009-04-20: 18:10:00
LOL! You crack me up Metro!!! Great one!