Verboticism: Steamtuary

'I just can't relax in the shower'

DEFINITION: v. To take a really long, relaxing, shower; so long in fact, that you loose concept of time. n. A prolonged shower that uses up a whole tank of hot water and leaves the bather looking like a boiled raisin.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: steem/tu/ar/y

Sentence: After a difficult and stressful day in the office jungle, Joe loves to turn on his shower and step into his tranquil, peaceful and timeless steamtuary.

Etymology: STEAMTUARY - noun from STEAM (the mist formed when the vapor from hot water condenses in the air) + SANCTUARY (a sacred place, such as a shower, in which one is immune to the presses and worries of the outside world)

Points: 1286