Verboticism: Spamscam

'I've been pre-approved for a new credit card?'

DEFINITION: v. To offer pre-approved credit, loans or sweepstake prizes in order to lock the some poor sucker into permanent usury. n. Junk mail, spam or telemarketing offers for pre-approved credit and loans.

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Created by: kateinkorea

Pronunciation: SPAM SCAM

Sentence: I couldn't believe it when I got an email that said "The Perfect Man Dating Site". I hate spam mail and I usually ignore it. But this one had come into my Inbox, so I convinced myself that maybe it had been sent to me by a friend. It advertised that only 10% of the members were women and the rest were good, decent, successful men all looking for women. They were having a contest to encourage more women to join these poor (um...but not poor) lonely men on this site. So of course I went on to the website and joined. This was worse than spam it was spamscam. It was one of the worst ever rip-offs. I visited the site several times over the next week. Later I got a bill for $548. I hadn't read through the terms of membership (in my haste) and now I owed this place money for having looked at these profiles.

Etymology: SPAM: unwanted mail SCAM: trick to cheat someone out of something or into something

Points: 1115

Comments: Spamscam

Mustang - 2009-02-24: 19:00:00
Turned out to be a very expensive date!