Verboticism: Beminefield

'Eeek! Does that mean what I think it means?'

DEFINITION: n. The embarrassing situation which occurs when a someone says "I love you" and you cannot say it back because you don't "love them", you just "like them". v. To feel uncomfortable when someone says "I love you."

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Created by: kateinkorea

Pronunciation: be MINE field

Sentence: The situation had become a beminefield. My heart, that little cold black thing of mine, started to race. He was not my besotted. He was my beswatted, as I struck him down with my deafening silence after he said those three little words. "Do you cook?" Then, while I was still reeling, he whispered, "I love you," and I didn't know which question to ignore the loudest. So I quickly tried to fill the silence. "I think it's going to rain tomorrow. What do you think?"

Etymology: BEMINE: like in valentine MINEFIELD: a place where you are in danger of setting off mines

Points: 1082

Comments: Beminefield

Nuwanda - 2009-02-10: 09:08:00
I liek it.

Nuwanda - 2009-02-10: 09:09:00
I like it as well

mweinmann - 2009-02-10: 09:36:00
me like it too

Jabberwocky - 2009-02-10: 10:24:00
very funny

galwaywegian - 2009-02-10: 11:57:00