Verboticism: Pricklypair

'Eeek! Does that mean what I think it means?'

DEFINITION: n. The embarrassing situation which occurs when a someone says "I love you" and you cannot say it back because you don't "love them", you just "like them". v. To feel uncomfortable when someone says "I love you."

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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: prik lee pare

Sentence: Peter said "Cabbages are red, they can be green, too. By the natural slaws of selection, Bunny, I love you." Sweet as the poem was , Bunny wanted to curse ... for like, not love, filled her ... I must tell him, but not in a dieverse. Now, how can I put a spin-nachurely, and preserve our green peace, Oh, help me a-spare-agus from a rude-a-bega, please. "Dear Peter, my friend, two-mate-toes, we can never be ... for in me, all that sprouts ... is a rosyred comradish for thee." Even though Bunny said it affectionately, I must report to you very sadly: They remained awkward over their differences to care, ... living everafter, not happily ... but as a pricklypair.

Etymology: PRICKLY, PAIR being a word play on 'prickly pear' cactus ... both can be thorny and uncomfortable.

Points: 1166

Comments: Pricklypair

Jabberwocky - 2009-02-10: 10:26:00
nice combo