Verboticism: Knockupation
DEFINITION: n., A person who diligently and persistently complains about their work. v., To enjoy bellyaching about your job so much that you would never consider quitting.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: nok u pay shun
Sentence: Teddy had found his true Knockupation in life. He was a restaurant critic and described his gourmet adventures in the local rag. He took his title "Critic" to heart and never had anything good to say about anywhere he dined. Not only did the food and service not please him, he bad-mouthed his job to anyone who would listen. He complained about the food, the deadlines he had to file his reviews, the pending slander lawsuits from restaurants he reviewed and the fact that he was the only one in town with any sense of taste, style or epicurean knowledge. The fact that all this horrible food had added many inches to his girth was another source of complaint. If the food was really that bad, why did he clean his plate everytime and even ask for more? The reality was that this position knockupied all his waking hours and he could not imagine doing anything else!
Etymology: Knock (negative criticism) & Occupation (the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money; any activity that occupies a person's attention )
Points: 692
Comments: Knockupation
metrohumanx - 2008-09-16: 02:12:00
As usual, an excellent little parable.
lumina - 2008-09-16: 22:50:00
A winner for sure! And I will admit, if I was dining near him I might have to fight the urge to sockupy him. :) But that's just me. *giggle*
Nosila - 2008-09-17: 00:34:00
If you're an actor, is it a mockupation? Is a jet pilot a machupation? Does Bon Jovi have a rockupation? Is being a longshoreman a dockupation? Is an electrician a shockupation? Is Teaching a chalkupation? Is being a cop a glockupation? Do the people at Lego have blockupations? Does a hairstylist or a security guard have a lockupation? Is being a lecturer a talkupation? Is a shepherd a flockupation? Is a symphony conductor a Bachupation? Is being an athlete a jockupation? Is a Chinese Restaurant owner a wokupation? Somebody stop me...please!