Verboticism: Sipocrite

DEFINITION: n., A type of guilt associated with a lapse in brand loyalty; especially when caught surreptitiously zipping the "wrong" coffee by your barista "friend". v. To secretly switch brands.
Created by: Navalon
Pronunciation: Sip-o-crit
Sentence: "James, you sipocrite!" yelled Megan moments before she stormed out of the coffee shop that had not too recently fired her for un-barista like behavior.
Etymology: Beverage related hypocrisy.
Points: 785
Comments: Sipocrite
Jabberwocky - 2008-08-21: 16:17:00
Nosila - 2008-08-21: 22:15:00
SIP-erb word!
OZZIEBOB - 2008-08-22: 05:05:00
terrific; clever,too.