Verboticism: Desolatteshun

'Omigod! You're cheating on me!'

DEFINITION: n., A type of guilt associated with a lapse in brand loyalty; especially when caught surreptitiously zipping the "wrong" coffee by your barista "friend". v. To secretly switch brands.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: deh sow layt sh unn

Sentence: Her desolatteshun upon being thrown out of the Professional Young Mothers for Progressive Shopping coffee mornings, when she was spotted with a generic jar of instant, was the most acute case of logonorrhea she had ever suffered.

Etymology: desolation, latte, shun.

Points: 785

Comments: Desolatteshun

Jabberwocky - 2008-08-21: 16:18:00
love it