Verboticism: Cowhoperate

'When I said that you're a loser, I meant it as a compliment.'

DEFINITION: v. To exercise power through the strategic use of personal insults, while pretending to offer encouragement. n. A leader who motivates people by insulting them.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: co - WHOP - ehr - ayt

Sentence: Hillary delighted in using her status as supervisor to cowhoperate with her subordinates, employing seemingly sweet outpourings of sympathy for their problems while delivering sarcastic and crude insults.

Etymology: Blend of cooperate and whop...( A sudden sharp, powerful stroke)..verbal in this case

Points: 698

Comments: Cowhoperate

metrohumanx - 2008-08-05: 07:19:00
Ouch! Cuts me to the quick.

pungineer - 2008-08-05: 10:56:00
I read that as Cow + Operate which i think is a perfect word for such office bovines

Guest - 2008-08-05: 11:06:00