Verboticism: Strongalm

'Don't worry, if I get terribly randy...'

DEFINITION: n. The fear that you will be outsourced, downsized, unassigned, or separated (one way or another) from your weekly paycheck. v. To use the threat of outsourcing and downsizing to manage and motivate your team.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: STRAWNG-ahm

Sentence: It was Roxie's mantra, to strongalm them "Do you know the real meaning of salary sacrifice?" She would roar. "It means when your livelihood, becomes your deadlihood, and you, your wife and kids are in the poor house. That will be my payout to you, if you don't get this job done ahead of schedule."

Etymology: Blend of Strong_ARM: to bully, standover & ALM: a back formation creating a verb from alms (s & pl noun): handout, money, goods, and other donations given to the poor and needy - in many cases through unemployment.

Points: 1154