Verboticism: Spitfired

'The Boss has just approved my new cost-cutting plan!'

DEFINITION: v. To propose and win approval for cost-saving reforms, which when implemented result in the immediate elimination of your job. n. An ambitious budget-slasher who accidentally cuts themselves out of a job.

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Created by: TimTheEnchanter

Pronunciation: SPIT-Fye-rd

Sentence: "If you want to hit these new cost-cutting targets," Vivian explained, "you need to get some really motivated, hard-working people on your staff. I've got this programmer, Jenny... I absolutely adore her. She is such a little spitfired, this application she's writing will save me almost as much as I'll save when I cut her salary from my budget."

Etymology: Spitfire: an energetic, enthusiastic person + Fired: terminated

Points: 1043