Verboticism: Jobifact
DEFINITION: v. To create an impression that you have made a positive contribution, especially when related to career activities. n. A personal mark or imprint which proves that you have done something that matters.
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: jahb-eh-fakt
Sentence: Johnny left little jobifacts around the office to look like he was busy working. He would leave papers by the printer of drafts of written work, he would save and stack his telephone messages (real and made up ones, mind you) on his desk, and left emails of his work exploits. He would often start sentences like, "You know Bob, I've been thinking about this . . ." or "What's been bothering me, Florence, about the Dithers' case is . . ." He constantly asked his co-workers if he could borrow their White-Out, extra large paper clips, or staples because he just "ran out." Whenever a report came out that had his name on it, he would post it on the staff bulletin board and pin it on the walls of his tiny cubicle. In essence, Johnny didn't do much.
Etymology: Job, profession, place of work + artifact, a spurious observation or result arising from preparatory or investigative procedures
Points: 1403
Comments: Jobifact
OZZIEBOB - 2008-05-06: 18:03:00
Sounds like he was jobiquitous!