Verboticism: Dysmission

DEFINITION: v. To stick to your plan even though you've realized it's dumb. n. A stupid plan, especially if it's a career plan suggested by parents, teachers or guidance counselors who want you to be something that you're not.
Created by: stache
Pronunciation: dĭs-mĭsh'ən
Sentence: It had always been assumed that, as the eldest son, Iggy would go to law school, join his father's firm and eventually assume the reins as senior partner, but even though his real name was Pontious Albert Poppagopolus III, Iggy knew that, for him, the law school route was a dysmission.
Etymology: 'dys,' bad, as in dyspepsia, dysentery; mission, an assigned or self-imposed duty or task; calling; vocation.
Points: 1100