Verboticism: Harumscaremployer

'Thanks! But can't you see you're interrupting...'

DEFINITION: n. An extremely moody boss, happy one day, mad the next, happy, mad, happy, mad... v. To happily give orders one minute, then angrily yell out the opposite instructions the next. (Note: It's not because you're moody. It's because people don't listen!)

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /har-em-SKAR-em-ploy-er/

Sentence: As with most women, Greg couldn't figure out his new boss, Carole. Yesterday she had yelled at him in front of his coworkers for using the last of the printer paper, and then this morning, when he needed her to sign his expense report, she seemed about to cry, sulking as if he'd done something wrong. She'd just stopped by his desk to talk though, and for a minute Greg just sat there feeling totally bewildered. She had been smiling and complementing him, and she had even invited him to lunch. He shook his head wondering why he'd accepted the invitation. Perhaps he ought to feign an illness, he thought, but decided that he was afraid of how his boss might react to that.

Etymology: Harum-scarum - reckless or unpredictable behavior (Origin: 1665–75; earlier harum-starum rhyming compound based on obs. hare "to harass" & stare) + Employer - a boss or manager (from Old French, empleier "involve, be connected with")

Points: 932

Comments: Harumscaremployer

stache - 2008-04-10: 19:59:00
saying it made me chuckle. sorry I already spent my votes.