Verboticism: Dwarfden

'Thanks! But can't you see you're interrupting...'

DEFINITION: n. An extremely moody boss, happy one day, mad the next, happy, mad, happy, mad... v. To happily give orders one minute, then angrily yell out the opposite instructions the next. (Note: It's not because you're moody. It's because people don't listen!)

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Created by: Jamagra

Pronunciation: dworf'/den

Sentence: Larry never knew what kind of mood his boss, Sheila, would be in from day to day, and even minute to minute. Recently he had begun to feel as if he were playing Snow White to her multitude of dwarves. He was convinced at least four dwarves had shown up in his dwarfden's office already today, and it was only 8:15. Larry had given Dopey a cuppa joe at 7:20. Bashful later apologized for being so out of it. After the CFO's 7:30 report, Happy had splurged for a round of coffee and doughnuts for everyone, and Doc had immediately advised Larry to be careful crossing the street on his way to Tim Horton's doughnut shop. Considering only Sneezy, Sleepy and Grumpy were left to appear, Larry took the long way to the doughnut shop.

Etymology: dwarf (pick yer favorite personality) + warden

Points: 1076