Verboticism: Quasimotivator

'Thanks! But can't you see you're interrupting...'

DEFINITION: n. An extremely moody boss, happy one day, mad the next, happy, mad, happy, mad... v. To happily give orders one minute, then angrily yell out the opposite instructions the next. (Note: It's not because you're moody. It's because people don't listen!)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: kwazee mo tiv ator

Sentence: Perhaps it was his confusing management style that did it. You know, the way he'd be the caring, supportive leader one moment and in the blink of an eye, more often as not, he turned into an unpredictable, unapproachable monster. Perhaps it was the fact that he was very short, had a small moustache, freckles and had a slight hunch. Perhaps it was the fact that he must be slightly bi-polar and very lonely. Perhaps it was all this that made his staff call him the Quasimotivator. They had also called him (not to his face, of course): Attila the Hunch; Genghis Can/Cannot;The LittlerHitler;Dr.Freckle & Mr.Snide; Idi Imeanit; and Noseferatool. Luckily, managers like him were always blindly oblivious to the scorn and loathing they encouraged in their employees. One day, he came into work and was very nice to everyone, all day long. Everyone waited for the gears to change, but for the rest of the week, he was the epitome of kindness and compassion. His employees were puzzled and scared. One of them wanted to go up to him, shake him and ask him what he had done with their real boss. His secretary Mildred was very suspicious of this new found civility to the staff. When he was at lunch one day, she poked through his desk drawers until she found the clue to his good humor. Had he gotten a big raise? A Promotion? A Bonus? A Partnership? No, she found his new membership card. He had joined a Mood Swingers wonder he was always happy these days!

Etymology: quasi (As if; as though; as it were; in a manner sense or degree; having some resemblance to) & motivator(the psychological feature or force that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior) & Quasimodo ...for rhyming purposes and(repulsive, tragic protagonist character from the Victor Hugo novel, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" whose name means "almost human")...doesn't that name ring a bell?

Points: 881