Verboticism: Hurtcouture

DEFINITION: n. A fashion accessory or style of dress which purports to improve one's appearance and attitude, but actually does the opposite. v. To follow a fashion dictum in an effort to improve your social standing even when it causes physical discomfort.
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: hurt-koo-TOOr
Sentence: Chicophant and hurtcouture, were but two words to describe Bob and Roxie's strange and often grotesque grooming.
Etymology: Blend of HURT: to feel or suffer bodily or mental pain or distress & COUTURE: very fashionable, having the style, quality of fashion. CHICOPHANT:(SHEEK-uh-fuh-nt) from (chic & cophant of sycophant): fashionable, self-seeking, servile flatterer.
Points: 860
Comments: Hurtcouture
purpleartichokes - 2008-04-08: 19:04:00
Love it Oz!