Verboticism: Camaraderaptor

'You're going to step on my droppings...'

DEFINITION: v. To display your power in social network by picking on the weaker members of the community. n. A person who steps on other people's toes and kicks bunnies.

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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: kä'mə-rä'də-rāp'tər

Sentence: After Georgette appended gushingly complimentary comments to every one of the submissions on the poetry blog, Flo just couldn't help herself. She was, by her very nature, a camaraderaptor. She posted a stinging limerick, the first line of which was, "A bunny rabbit named Georgette... ."

Etymology: 'camara,' var. of 'kamara,' soviet-era spy technology popular with kgb notable Boris Badinov; 'der,' German article; 'apt,' particularly appropriate, as this definition vis. doseydotes; 'or,' denoting approximately equally-weighted alternatives, as in 'defecate or vacate the porcelain receptacle.'

Points: 863

Comments: Camaraderaptor

Jamagra - 2008-04-02: 08:41:00
Still laughing over the last line. Great!

Jabberwocky - 2008-04-02: 12:55:00
great word

Mustang - 2008-04-02: 18:06:00

purpleartichokes - 2008-04-02: 19:03:00

OZZIEBOB - 2008-04-02: 20:30:00
Stache, you are an etymologizing animal! Very funny; good word.

stache - 2008-04-02: 23:21:00
thanks, y'all. from giants among verbotomists such as yourselves these kind words mean much.