Verboticism: Whereamibouts

DEFINITION: n. The moment of loss, hesitation and confusion, which occurs when you enter a room and immediately forget why. v. To forget why you entered a room.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: wher/am/I/bouts
Sentence: I enter a room - I look around - I am faced with the eternal question - whereamIbouts?
Etymology: whereabouts + where am I + bouts (of forgetfulness)
Points: 734
Comments: Whereamibouts
silveryaspen - 2008-03-21: 02:00:00
You and I may not know where you are ... but it is certainly not out in left field. It just feels too right!
OZZIEBOB - 2008-03-22: 00:59:00
Certainly, something to ruminate upon!
Mustang - 2008-03-22: 08:09:00
This is roominescent of the time I had amnesia....or did I have it twice?