Verboticism: Politspeak

'We have securitized the lavatory entrance systems'

DEFINITION: v. To demonstrate your superior knowledge and intellect by using complex, confusing and mind-numbingly stupid jargon. n. A person who uses big words to inflate their unusually small ideas.

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Created by: amigamark

Pronunciation: pol-it-speek

Sentence: The governments insistance on using politspeak, lead to it's eventual downfall. The masses couldn't understand it, and you know what happens when 'people' don't understand something......."whack".

Etymology: polit - reference to politicians, hot air, blarney, liars and general waffle. speak - how do you know if a polititian is lying, it's mouth moves.

Points: 2702

Comments: Politspeak

silveryaspen - 2008-03-06: 11:30:00
Strong sentence and etymology!