Verboticism: Economisery

DEFINITION: n., A feeling of discomfort, common while sitting on a plane or train, created by the sense that you are about to be decapitated by your fellow passengers who are tilting aggressively towards you. v. To sit in a very small space, which seems to be getting smaller.
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /i-kon-uh-miz'-uh-ree/
Sentence: Before the technology stock bubble burst, Richard had always flown first-class, but now, crammed into the back with the rest of the average Joe's, he was nearly overcome with economisery, and recumbentrauma caused by the seat in front of him reclining back so suddenly that he dropped his meager ration of peanuts, and couldn't bend down to retrieve them.
Etymology: economy - Economy class; the cheapest class of travel accomodations (from Greek, oikonomíā "household") + misery - wretchedness of condition or circumstances (from Latin, miseria, equiv. to miser "wretched")
Points: 788
Comments: Economisery
bananabender - 2008-01-29: 22:23:00
clever blend!
silveryaspen - 2008-01-29: 23:59:00
Really brings out the miserly feelings in this definitions!