Verboticism: Encroachaphobia

'I feel sorry for these poor sardines.'

DEFINITION: n., A feeling of discomfort, common while sitting on a plane or train, created by the sense that you are about to be decapitated by your fellow passengers who are tilting aggressively towards you. v. To sit in a very small space, which seems to be getting smaller.

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Created by: Redrover


Sentence: Ralph was so freaked when he flew coach when the passenger in front of him reclined his seat that he was forced to spend the money and fly first class.

Etymology: encroach - to trespass upon the property, domain, or rights of another, esp. stealthily or by gradual advances; phobia - a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it

Points: 793