Verboticism: Suicybe

'Aaaaah!!! My finger slipped.'

DEFINITION: n., A feeling of regret and helplessness, which occurs once you realize that you have just sent out an erroneous email (i.e. one full of stupid mistakes). v., To send out an email and wish you hadn't.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: suu ee sybe

Sentence: he committed career suicybe not by the content of his diatribe, but by the dreaded "reply to all" button.

Etymology: suicide cybe as in cyber

Points: 443

Comments: Suicybe

libertybelle - 2007-12-05: 14:30:00
i like this one!

OZZIEBOB - 2007-12-05: 16:16:00

purpleartichokes - 2007-12-05: 18:04:00
Good one Galway!